Noah Guezo
Artiste Personne Morale • thedensecompany
Born in 1990, in Ouidah (Benin)
Lives and works in Saint-Denis (France) and Cotonou (Benin)
Noah Guezo belongs to that generation of African artists that dare, that do, that create.
Noah Guezo has been or will be exhibited at Institut Lumière (Lyon, France), Sundance Festival (Park City, USA), The Lucas Museum of Narrative Art (Los Angeles, USA), Biennale di Venizia (Venice, Italy, Caleta Art Center (Mexico City, Mexico), Festival de Cannes (Cannes, France), Academy Museum (Los Angeles, USA), Eden Cinéma (La Ciotat, France), la Berlinale (Berlin, Germany), among others.
Noah Guezo’s works belong or will soon belong to several public and private collections around the world.
Noah Guezo is a fully self-taught artist.
A creation in and of itself, this biography is constantly changing. Stay tuned.
The Biographer (Artiste Personne Morale • thedensecompany)

© 2022. CINCUENTA SEGUNDOS (MÁS O MENOS). diariocinematográfico.
by NOAH GUEZO (Artiste Personne Morale • thedensecompany
(Born in Cotonou, Benin in 2000 - Lives and works in Saint-Denis, France)
Social determinism, as striking as it is, is not an immutable rule. Who would have dared, when he was born in Abomey, the former capital of the kingdom of Dahomey, to claim that twenty-two years later, Noah would be one of the most original and promising emerging filmmakers in the Paris region? Who could have predicted that Noah, equipped with his simple and rudimentary weapons of combat (a smartphone and some applications), would create a work invited to the biggest festivals and biennials of cinema?
There is no Noah Guezo without a big brother, without Gilles, who...
(Nacido en Cotonú, Benín, en 2000 - Vive y trabaja en Saint-Denis, Francia)
El determinismo social, por llamativo que sea, no es una regla inmutable. ¿Quién se hubiera atrevido, cuando nació en Abomey, antigua capital del reino de Dahomey, a afirmar que veintidós años más tarde Noah sería uno de los cineastas emergentes más originales y prometedores de la región de París? ¿Quién iba a predecir que Noah, equipado con sus sencillas y tan rudimentarias armas de combate (un smartphone, unas cuantas aplicaciones), propondría una obra invitada a los mayores festivales y bienales de cine?
No hay Noah Guezo sin un hermano mayor, sin Gilles, que...