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Simon D. Webb

Artiste Personne Morale • thedensecompany




Born in 1970 (New Delhi, India)

Lives and works everywhere.

Simon D. Webb travels and captures the world he experiences.

Simon D. Webb has been or will be exhibited at Maison Européenne de la Photographie (Paris, France), Gallerie Magnum (London, UK), Serres de Gailly (Saint-Cyr-l’Ecole, France), Caleta Art Center (Mexico City, México), Galerie Le Réverbère (Lyon, France), Galeria Patrica Conde (Mexico City, Mexico), Visa pour l’Image (Perpignan, France), ICP (New York, USA), Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson (Paris, France) and others. 

Simon D. Webb’s works belong or will soon belong to several public and private collections and has been or will be published around the world.

Simon D. Webb is a proudly fully self-taught artist.

A creation in and of itself, this biography is constantly changing. Stay tuned.

The Biographer (Artiste Personne Morale • thedensecompany)

© 2023, A RESIDENCE. diariofotográfico.

by Simon D. Webb (Artiste Personne Morale • thedensecompany | dir. Cédric Jacquemont)


(Born in New Delhi, India in 1968 - lives and works around the world)

His father was a diplomat in the service of the Crown throughout his career. His mother oscillated between the home and numerous NGOs to which she brought all her expertise during her husband's assignments. Simon was born during the five years his father spent in the Indian capital. The third Indo-Pakistani war (which led to the independence of East Pakistan and the creation of Bangladesh) would probably be a marker in the sensitive development of young Simon. It is at the age of 12 that his uncle...


(Nacido en Nueva Delhi, India, en 1968 - vive y trabaja en todo el mundo)

Su padre fue un diplomático al servicio de la Corona durante toda su carrera. Su madre oscilaba entre el hogar y numerosas ONG a las que aportaba toda su experiencia mientras su marido estaba destinado. Simon nació durante los cinco años que su padre pasó en la capital india. La tercera guerra indo-pakistaní (que condujo a la independencia de Pakistán Oriental y a la creación de Bangladesh) fue probablemente un hito en el desarrollo sensible del joven Simon. Fue a los 12 años cuando su tío...

Cédric Jacquemont Ltd

Representación y apoyo de artistas comprometidos, apasionados y de alto potencial.

 n° SIRET : 880 185 541 00013

+33 6 60 73 99 39

68 rue René Boulanger 75010 Paris / France

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